
おかえりなさい, Welcome Home!

Welcome home, pinky:st! My three latest pinky street figures finally made it home to my door step. Aren't they cute!?! The figures on the far ends are the new Pinky 013 and 014 (I think 015 will be an accessories package, but no word on the release date yet) and the middle one is the long awaited Rabbit Scooter figure. I finally have a sitting pose which I would have had if I could just find my Yukata pinky...oh well.

On another note, it's Friday. But I have no doubt that the weekend will just pass me by in the blink of an eye...

Oh, and one more thing, if you can't read the subject of this entry (i.e. it's in weird symbols), then you suck...go get Japanese language capability.

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