"Hidamari Sketch" is a fairly new 13-episode anime series first aired in Japan January this year. Its likeness lies in the realms of other comedy and slice-of-life anime titles such as "Doki Doki School Hours," "Azumanga Daioh," and "Ichigo Mashimaro." The story follows four art school students that all live in the same apartment complex, Hidamari Apartments.
The animation and graphics are done well with the inclusion of photograph stills, but the storyline seems to lack the organized disorganization reminiscent of "AzuDai" and "Ichigo Mashimaro", for example. Each episode presents another day, in no particular order, but things do connect and piece together as you move along the series. I can't help but compare their cosplay-loving homeroom teacher's personality to the rambunctious Yukari from "AzuDai." To the nitpicker, there are even some instances of character involvement that mimic scenes from "Ichigo" as well.
Despite some overlap, "Hidamari Sketch" is totemo kawaii and you're bound to get some laughs in there. I would recommend you rent or watch a friend's copy before deciding to purchase the DVD.
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