
The Attack of Live Action Movies

It seems that all I've been writing about is the upcoming releases of anime/manga turned Live Action. Is it just me, or has the volume of live action movies increased over the years? I've expressed my feelings on this several times, so I won't bore you with the details. But overall, while I love the idea of Live Action movies, especially for my favorite anime and video game titles, it instills in me great fear and uncertainty. I don't want anything, such as bad casting, screenplay, lack of production resources, etc. ruining the integrity of the original piece. The increase of live action titles must reflect the growing popularity of some titles, but in the end, unless you can produce live action movies with uncompromising quality, don't do it at all.

With that said, in addition to some of the ones I've already mentioned like "Death Note" and "Ghost in the Shell", and many others not discussed, live actions are definitely surfacing at a much greater pace. A "Metal Gear Solid" movie is in the works (thanks for the info. Gendo77) with Hollywood production associations -- scary. And the filming of "Blood: The Last Vampire" live action movie (with French production associations) has already commenced. That movie is tentatively set to be released in the U.S. by Spring 2008. There are many others that have been in the beginning stages for quite some time. One such title is the coveted "Evangelion." I really hope those "thoughts" don't surmont to anything but just that -- thoughts.

Only time will tell. Let us hope that these titles are in good hands and that these creators/artists think before they leap.


Anonymous said...

Je vous en prie, Mademoiselle ;-)

Anonymous said...

Non, non, ce n'est pas juste toi, la masse d'adaptation de jeux video/anime ne cesse de croître...faut-il s'en réjouir? Oula, pas sur...combien d'adaptation ratée? D'attente, d'excitation sur des projets qui,une fois terminés, finissent souvent dans l'oubli des cinéphiles (surtout pour les jeux video : Super Mario Bros, Mortal Kombat, Resident Evil etc.), la liste est longue ^^ Le seul jeu, selon moi, qui ait réussi son passage sur grand écran est Silent Hill. Pour une fois une adaptation qui cible les Fans du jeu, avec de multiples références à ce dernier, mais aussi les autres : Pas besoin d'avoir joué au jeu pour apprécier ce film (grâce notamment au scénario et l'amosphère sombre bien flippante). Enfin, bon, hein, c'est un avis totalement subjectif, les gôuts et les couleurs, tout ça quoi. Allez,ne sait-on jamais, il y aura bien 1 ou 2 futurs films qui sortiront du lot (MGS, MGS...pitié!) RDV est pris.
A si, une autre adaptation réussie, c'est...euh, non rien. Si ça me revient à l'esprit, je te tiens au courant.